Always remain loyal to our mission under the name of “Fukken (reconstruction)”
Our former company, an incorporated association “Fukko Kensetu Gijutsu Kyokai (Reconstruction Engineering Association)” was established with the aim of reconstructing Japan after World War II. The word “Fukken” in our company name represents our determination to hand down the original spirit to future generations.
For this reason, participating in reconstruction support activities in the event of a disaster is an important theme – in other words a social mission – for us. When large-scale disasters hit Japan, we have always made our utmost efforts to help the victims and to restore important social infrastructure as soon as possible.
We will remain loyal to our original spirit and continue providing support to the full extent if a disaster strikes in the future.
reconstruction support
Our efforts in the reconstruction projects after the Great East Japan Earthquake
On March 11, 2011, a massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake, the Great East Japan Earthquake, hit a wide area of the Tohoku region, and the subsequent tsunami caused catastrophic damage along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Facing this unprecedented disaster of extreme severity, the government and autonomous bodies requested the Japan Civil Engineering Consultants Association (JCCA) to take action, and as a member of JCCA we participated in the activity.
Our Tohoku Branch Manager acted as the Executive Secretary of the association, and our staff from the head office and branch offices worked tirelessly for the reconstruction work from the initial response, under the coordination of the local headquarters for disaster control. The first phase of the investigation of damage was finished in 2012, and since then we have been participating in the reconstruction work of roads, bridges and ports.
Our efforts since the initial response
Rushed to disaster-struck area
Within 48 hours of the occurrence of the disaster,
the first group, lead by the Branch Office Manager, arrived at the site
Set up the headquarters for disaster control
Set up the headquarters for disaster control
in the head office
and at a local site
Conducted investigation of damage
Provided designs for restoration/
Management of civil engineering work
Provided support for required materials, personnel, accommodation, and so on
Our achievements in disaster recovery related projects
investigation of damage

Investigation/survey/documentation/design for the restoration of national highways
Inspection/investigation on damage of bridges (detailed investigation/documentation of assessment/repair design)
assessment of disaster

Damage assessment on sewerage
Damage investigation/survey/restoration design of roads
Damage investigation/restoration design of parks
Damage investigation/restoration design of overpasses
restoration/reconstruction design

Design for disaster/preliminary design/detailed design of bridges
Design for disaster/preliminary design/detailed design of roads
Survey design for coastal protection
Restoration design for sewerage facilities
Investigation on civil engineering work for restoring facilities
Creation of detailed drawings for civil engineering work for the maintenance of facilities
management services

Civil engineering work for railways reconstruction
Technical operations related to railway tracks
Supervision of facility maintenance
Creation of documents for roads